This weekend my little man turned 2 years old!!! I had visions of giving him a really great theme party, but alas it seems that he is already suffering from 'middle child syndrome.' I have been so preoccupied with preparing for the baby (due in a little over a month!) that I could not find the time to put together a lot of decorations.
Luckily though, you only really need ONE good centerpiece item to pull the party together. This year we were so happy that we had just finished sewing together Taffie Wishes newest product: The Double Sided 'Happy Birthday' banner!
This banner was originally commissioned by none other than my own mom, who insisted on buying a multi-purpose banner that would be suitable for both grandSONS and grandDAUGHTERS alike. Her customized banner is blue on one side and pink on the other.
Now you too can purchase this useful item, right HERE! And if you are short on time, as I was this year, no need to worry... this simple piece speaks for itself.
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